Projects in Armenia

ag, 19.04.2016

Support of pro-European environment and local media in Armenia (2015)

The goal of the project was to create a dialog platform for pro-European communities and local media to improve the transfer of information on the EU`s Eastern Partnership policy. Furthermore, workshop support for media in order to improve their efficiency was conducted.

This was the first project implemented by the Democratic Society East Foundation in Armenia. Certain activities were preceded by consultations in editorial offices as well as meetings with pro-European stakeholders. Due to this, the following activities were tailored towards the needs of beneficiaries.

The following was implemented within the framework of the project:

  • consultations in editorial offices of Armenian local media;

  • round table discussions for the representatives of Armenian pro-European stakeholders and local media;

  • workshops for editors and journalists of Armenian local media;

  • study-trips for editors and journalists of Armenian local media to Poland.

This project was implemented by the Democratic Society East Foundation together with the Armenian partner organization Yerevan Press Club.

This project was financed with funds from the program `Support of Democracy` within the framework of the Polish development aid program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Furthermore, it also was given financial support from the program of the Polish-American Liberty Fund `Regions in Transition` - RITA, implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.


Project coordinator: Agnieszka Nowińska /